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Getting Employee Buy-In on Health and Wellness

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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The infographic below looks a little bit like the Game of Life, and it is. It is the life of an employee health and wellness program. In evaluating your staff's needs within an employee wellness program, and what resources you have to piggyback on versus what resources you will have to create, we want to make sure you don't forget about the employees.

In trying to optimize the program and manage costs it is key to remember that if employee engagement is low, the health and wellness program will fail. We have one piece of advice before we send you on to the Game of Life below (care of
TotalWellnessHealth.com): Don't skip the employee incentives.

Employee incentives provide the critical support your employees are going to need along their path to wellness (and lower insurance premiums). Gift cards are a great fixed cost solution to guide employees to healthy products. Giving small denomination gift cards to health and wellness retailers like CVS/Pharmacy and GNC are a great way to give employees a pat on the back while steering them in the direction the program is trying to take them.

So in all of the planning and evaluating, we just want to make sure you don't forget your employees.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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