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Summertime Employee Motivation

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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The weather is getting warmer and employees minds are starting to wander to that summer vacation to the beach or the lake. Springtime is the perfect time to devise a way to keep employees focused and motivated from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Variety is the name of the game with employee motivation, the key to success is finding a reward that everyone likes. Here are a few ideas:

  • Gift Cards: Gift cards offer a variety of options and allow an employee to choose their ultimate gift. Everything from AutoZone to The Limited is available and gives employees access to the ultimate variety of end rewards.
  • Travel Rewards: Motivating employees with the trip to the beach or the lake supports your employees' work/life balance and keeps them motivated to work towards a long term goal.
  • Health and Wellness: Encouraging health and wellness is a win/win situation. For employees it provides an outlet either within or surrounding the work day to pause and get outside and enjoy the nice weather. Whether it is a walk at lunch or a post-work running club encouraging employees to enjoy the outside can benefit employers too. Healthy employees are more productive and lower healthcare costs.

The nice weather and kids being out of school can hinder productivity and allow minds to wander. Make a plan this spring to keep your employees on track and motivated towards common goals.
For more information on how to keep employees motivated all summer head over to Employee Benefits News.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Gift Card Trends, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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