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Digital Gift Cards Pave Way for A Seamless Future

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Digital gift cards are combining the traditional uses of gift cards as currency among gifters and gift receivers, and the cutting edge technology of mobile payments. As mobile payments and mobile wallets because more common at retailer POS, employers can begin to think of digital gift cards as easier solutions to employee reward, health and wellness and safety programs. Here are three reasons digital gift cards are the wave of the gift card future:

  • Digital gift cards as branded, promotional currency. Digital gift cards are still a brand interaction. When an employee receives the email from your employee rewards program they see a gift and it reinforces the behavior that caused them to earn that gift card. For retailers, the branded nature of the communication begins their consumer interaction. Creating a smooth, easy-to-use brand experience is key.
  • Ease of use and convenience drive adoption. Digital gift cards are easy for employers to distribute and easy for consumers to redeem. The seamless nature of a digital transaction drives adoption with HR departments looking to buy and distribute the cards, and the employees who earned the rewards and are looking to spend them wherever they may be (in-store, online or on a mobile device).
  • A positive user experience breeds repeat behavior. When the user experience is smooth for both the giver and receiver, repeat behavior is inevitable. As digital gift cards and mobile payments become more common, employers will adopt the distribution channel.

For more information on how digital gift cards will gain traction check out this article from Retail TouchPoints.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Gift Card Technology, Gift Card Trends, Rewards & Loyalty, General Gift Card, Mobile Payments, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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