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3 Hazards of Workplace Wellness Programs...And How to Avoid Them

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Workplace wellness programs are a great tool to motivate employees to be healthy and control health care benefit costs. However, poorly administered plans can wreak havoc on employees and employers alike. Here are three hazards that can foil your workplace wellness efforts, and how to avoid them.

  1. Bad Programs Don't Save Money. A poorly administered program can miss the mark and cause your company not to see any return on investment. The most common occurrence of a program not saving money is when employers don't adequately communicate the goals and benefits of the program to their employees. Communication is key. Communicate often to employees old and new.
  2. Programs can get too personal. No employee wants there employer too embedded in their personal life and decisions. Instead of mandating invasive employee tests or weigh-ins, change snack and meal options around the office. Make sure there is a salad bar and healthy snacks available to employees, rather than mandating regular medical testing.
  3. Alienating Employees. Keep it high-level and positive. Reward employees  for healthy choices and create opportunities for exercise, activity and healthy eating. Don't get too personal and invasive. This will cause employees to be averse to participating for fear of their employer invading their personal space and time.

For more information on how to avoid common pitfalls of employee wellness programs check out this article from Forbes.

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