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Employee Recognition the Right Way

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Everyone knows how valuable it can be to practice employee recognition across an organization. The key is to execute an employee recognition program the right way, if your employees don't feel recognized or are not comfortable with the recognition method, your organization is not going to get the ROI it is looking for by way of increased productivity, increased job satisfaction and high retention rates. Here are 3 key ways to make sure your employee recognition program is working for your organization and its employees.

  1. Recognize Employees Their Way: If you are recognizing employees in a way that makes them uncomfortable, or in a way that they don't want to be recognized, they are going to avoid behavior that will garner recognition. This undermines your program's efforts. It is important to gather employee preference on recognition. For some, a quite recognition via email may be most effective, while others may garner public recognition in front of the whole team. People react differently to public praise, so make sure you know your people and recognize them accordingly.
  2. Recognize Specific Behavior: Saying "good job" is okay, but saying "good job finishing that brief on time, the client really appreciated our ability to come through on short notice" is way more effective. Whether privately or publicly, let employees know what exactly they did right. That will make the recognition more meaningful and make not only that specific employee, but the whole team likely to repeat the behavior.
  3. Don't Check the Recognition Box: For so many employers employee recognition because a box that needs to be checked. To recognize effectively it is necessary to recognize employee's positive behavior with sincere caring. Good managers lead by example, mean what they say, and know how to tell employees they are doing a good job. If your managers don't already know how to care for their teams and lead by example, implement leadership development training. This will help the manager, but it will also help their subordinates. Positive behavior and reinforcement starts at the top, is it a part of your organization? If not, it should be.

For more information on ensuring that your employee recognition program is working for your organization check out this article from Forbes.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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