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The Importance of Workplace Wellness

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Workplace wellness is increasing in popularity, especially after the latest rules set by ObamaCare now further incentivize companies to implement workplace wellness programs for employees. However, if proven effectiveness and governmental pressure aren't enough for your organization to implement a workplace wellness program, did you ever think what it does for your employees? Think about the human factor:

  • 59% of employees don't get enough exercise
  • 50% have high cholesterol
  • 27% have a cardiovascular condition
  • More than a quarter of employees are overweight
  • 24% have high blood pressure

Start small by setting modest organizational goals, and watch the program grow from there, as your organization gets healthier together. As employees get more and more engaged support their efforts with small denomination gift cards to healthy retailers like GNC and CVS/Pharmacy. Below is an infographic detailing the benefits of a workplace wellness program, what have you done for your employees lately?

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, Rewards & Loyalty, Gift Cards, General Gift Card

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