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Increase Productivity with an Engaged Workforce

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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The level of engagement within your workforce will affect your bottom line whether you know it or not. Engaged employees come to work energize and motivated to do the best, and most, they can for their organization each and every day. Engaged employees are willing to use their expendable energy, the extra energy they reserve for themselves, on their jobs when they are fully engaged at work. Employee engagement begins with the employer- ensuring your whole workforce is fully engaged in their positions takes investment from the organization to energize employees. Here are a few proven ways to ensure your workforce is engaged, and as productive as they can be:

Team bonding: Creating team camaraderie through relationship building is key to engagement. If employees form real relationships with their colleagues they truly care for each other, and can work more effortlessly together. Once team gel together they see their goals as common, and reaching common goals as a team ensures employees motivate and engage each other, as no one member wants to let the team down and hinder collective progress and productivity. At GiftCard Partners, team bonding is a big part of our management team's strategy. Our executive team ensures that they bring the workforce together on a personal level in order to make our professional camaraderie stronger.

360 degree feedback: Allowing employees to constantly submit feedback to management is critical to employee engagement. Constant feedback opportunities make employees feel a part of the process of building an organizational community and culture. At GiftCard Partners 360 degree feedback is key to empowering employees to help build our organization. This type of feedback makes us seem more of a team, than a hierarchical structure. Boosting employee involvement in these types of critical organizational building functions allows employees to personally identify with the organization, making them more loyal to the cause of the organization and more likely to not only be more productive in the immediate- but make them a long term positive role model for the whole team.

Incentives and Rewards: Providing rewards and incentives for a job well done is a simple way to show employees their organization stands behind them, and that they are valued. Flexible incentives like an extra day off are a great way, with no up front cost, to give employees more flexibility when they have worked hard on a long term project. Flexible, fixed cost rewards, such as gift cards to a variety of retailers like
AutoZone help employees control their personal budget with a reward that is personally valuable to them. The value in this small-denomination reward helps engage employees in their positions by showing that their organization takes note of their dilligent work, and sees when they go above and beyond their job responsibilities.

For more information about how to engage your workforce to ensure maximum productivity check out this article from Business2Community.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Rewards & Loyalty, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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