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Employee Satisfaction Leads to Increased Productivity

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Employee satisfaction, engagement and overall happiness has proven time and time again to be a surefire way to foster employees to do more for their organizations. They are more productive, try harder, and are more loyal to their organizations. Ensuring long-term employee satisfaction is key to an organization’s success and reducing disruptive tendencies like frequent turnover. Here are 3 ways to ensure your employee’s satisfaction in their current position.

  • Hire the Right Person for the Right Job: Ensuring that your organization puts serious thought and time into the hiring process can save a lot of headaches later on. Placing a qualified, motivated prospect into a position who has the appropriate background and breadth of experience is key. An employee who is either under-employed or over-employed will  not find satisfaction and meaning in their work. Ensuring that the right prospect is hired the first time will make any transition easier on all employees involved.
  • Foster a Culture of Appreciation: When employees feel appreciated, both by their organization and by their peers, they are motivated to maintain a high level of work, both to impress management and maintain good standing among peers.It is also the job of the employer to show appreciation to your employees for who they are and the work they do. Using small spot rewards when an employee goes above and beyond their job description can go a long way in motivating them for the future. Rewards can include an extra afternoon off, a unique career development opportunity like a workshop or training session, or a small denomination gift card to popular retailers like Boston MarketThe Limited, or CVS/Pharmacy.
  • Employee Engagement: Engaging employees in creating company culture that everyone is happy with is a must. Creating a constant feedback loop to engage employees in creating this environment will keep employees satisfied and engaged in their jobs. When employees are satisfied  and fulfilled by their organizational culture it allows them to become more motivated in their work.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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