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3 Keys to Employee Motivation

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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In order to build the type of employee culture that gets employees excited to come to work each day and have fun with their colleagues, employees have to be motivated in their positions. There are many approaches management can take to employees motivation, and making sure you use a successful strategy can be the difference between an unmotivated staff and a vibrant environment where employees are motivated to grow and learn in their positions. Here are 3 easy tips to successful employee motivation.

  • Schedule time with employees: Face time between employees and management, whether individually, in a small group, or in a larger forum goes a long way in employee motivation. Making time to get to know employees, and what motivates them in the workforce goes a long way in building relationships between employees and management. These relationships build employee motivation because employees feel supported by the organization, and is its more efficient for management to get to know employees face-to-face than by any other medium.
  • Invest in them: There are many ways to invest in employees that facilitate employee motivation. Offering training sessions and professional development opportunities allow employees to grow in their roles, and grow their dedication to the organization that helped them advance. Also, offering tangible incentives for a job well done, or reaching a specific professional goal is extremely effective. Modest gifts such as small denomination gift cards to retailers such as Burlington Coat Factory, Auto Zone, or Boston Market can help employees control their bills, or splurge on something they have been waiting to buy. These gifts are investments in employee motivation whose ROI is apparent in increased retention rates, productivity, and job satisfaction rates.
  • Involve staff in important decisions: There is no better way to kick-start an employee motivation initiative that to empower employees. Involving employees in important decisions gives employers insight into employees priorities and thought process, and empowers employees by allowing them to have a tangible impact on the direction of the organization.

Topics: B2B Gift Cards, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Employee Engagement, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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