Ensuring wellness in and across organizations. Talent Management magazine outlines
Tips to Ensure Wellness Boosts Productivity, which offers us key considerations for a sound framework and wellness program structure, as well as
5 Key Steps to Workplace Wellness. These are both interesting articles and offer ideas, but they are summaries of concepts we’ve been hearing about for some time. Now that wellness programs have been running long enough to show increased productivity, healthcare cost savings for employers and employees, and bottom line ROI; what’s next for creating an even more holistic approach to wellness?
An online community comment to the “Tops to Ensure Wellness” article offers the concept of management also paying attention to employees’ emotional and psychological well being while at work. Since physical well being is only 1 facet of a person’s whole being, is this facet of manageable and measurable within health and wellness programs? Since incentives and rewards have become fundamental parts of wellness programs, can they also be used to motivate emotional wellness on a measurable basis? Let us know your thoughts by commenting here.
How do Kraft, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Adobe Boost Productivity?

Topics: Employee Performance, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards