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3 Good Ways To Donate Unused Gift Cards To Nonprofits

Donating unused gift cards is a great way to contribute to your favorite nonprofits, especially local organizations that make a difference in your community. Whether you choose to donate your personally unused cards or collect unused cards from groups like school PTOs or faith-based organizations, nonprofits can often find uses for your discarded gift cards in any quantity.

Read: How To Effectively Give Thank You Gifts To Volunteers

While cash or other gifts might help nonprofits in some ways, spare gift cards offer organizations more flexibility and choice in how they use the in-kind donation.

Here are three ways your unused gift cards can make a difference in your community as a donation to non-profit organizations:

1) What Your Unused Gift Cards Can Do

When using sites like CharityChoice, a secondary gift card market, not only are you donating your gift card to a nonprofit, but you’re giving the balance to the organization to allow reselling of the unused gift card value for exactly what your nonprofit recipient needs.

This can be gift cards awarded through B2C merchant loyalty and rewards programs, or through employee programs that provide gift cards to employees as incentive rewards.

Reselling situations such as these creates a win-win for nonprofit gift card recipients, as well as the people on either end of the gift transaction.

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2) Get Involved In Your Local Community

To make a difference in your community, donate your unwanted gift cards to local nonprofits, such as educational charities or homeless shelters.

By donating gift cards in person to a charity, consumers can see firsthand where their donation is going. This can build a foundation for volunteer recruitment and other hands-on volunteer and donation opportunities as well.

As you learn more about the organization you’re donating to, you’ll often find your unused gift cards can provide value to nonprofit organizations because they require a diverse set of supplies and goods to support their daily operation and in many cases, gift cards are as good as cash.

3) Be A Part Of Something Larger Than Yourself

There are fundraisers everywhere, so if you don’t have unused gift cards to donate, you could purchase one to give instead.

Ever been to a store where you can add a dollar to your purchase to donate to a cause?
Seen a “buy X and a percentage will be donated to a specific cause” deal?

Since gift cards can be used at any time, retail fundraisers can make both consumers and retailers feel more connected with their communities without deviating from their normal routines.

Additionally, if you are looking to take your donation beyond your shopping trip, retailers typically have donation request forms on their websites for use in larger-scale fundraisers. This allows companies to request gift cards in a specific quantity or denomination.

Regardless of where the donation comes from, the effect donated gift card values or unused gift cards can bring to a nonprofit organization is compelling.

Using Gift Card Rewards in Nonprofit Organizations and Charities

GiftCard Partners works with nonprofit organizations and charities to identify and match the best gift cards for the people they are seeking to help. Our Engage2Reward™ Portal allows organizations to conveniently select the brands that make an impact in the lives of recipients. You’ll have what you need to provide immediate and effective assistance to those in need with gift cards.

Gift cards are an ideal way to aid at-risk populations due to:

  • Instant gratification: eGift cards are available with instant delivery.
  • Convenience: Place bulk gift card orders on any device and conveniently ship, email, or text your selections directly to the end recipient.
  • Something for everyone: Over 300 brands to choose from, select the gift cards that fulfill  recipients' needs.


See how the Engage2Reward Gift Card Ordering Portal can impact your non-profit’s work today!

Topics: Fundraising, Charities & Nonprofits, General Health & Wellness

Gift Card Rewards for Nonprofit Organizations and Charities

Improve the quality of life of at-risk individuals and families by covering essential items and everyday expenses with gift card rewards.


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